Hope Lifts

Spreading good will to all

Up Lift

This week's practice is about seeing others gifts and contributions. It's about being grateful for their contributions and giving them recognition and acknowledgement. How to do it. Make it a priority to look for ways people in your life are creating hope, comfort or improvements. Take a moment to acknowledge their efforts. Share your gratitude and/or admiration with them. Who?…

Happy Father’s Day!

Today we celebrate fathers.  Whether biological, familial or figurative, father figures bring us great comfort, joy and wisdom.  This week, let’s take the time to express our gratitude to the father figures in our lives. To the fathers: Thank you for the wisdomsThank you for the examplesboth the ones to replicate and the mistakes not to repeatThank you for the…

Adapt to overcome

This week's practice is about reflecting on this week's quote. "We can't control the wind, but we can adjust our sails." In these unprecedented and trying times, we need to do what we humans do best: adapt. We need to find ways to return to thriving while keeping ourselves, our loved ones and our community protected as much as possible.…

We are all struggling

Remember: We are all in this together. There have been stories over the last week of altercations at re-opening retailers. These are unprecedented times. We are all learning new ways of being and doing. And, so many are suffering. The suffering is for those sick or with sick loved ones and the suffering is for those unable to feed, clothe…

Spread Love circle

This week's practice is one that is for the family, or, for those with whom you are sharing space in quarantine. The "spread love" circle lets us reach out to one another and remember our deep and abiding love. It allows us to release pent up hostilities and tensions that are inevitable when in sustained close quarters. It seems very…

Don’t Yell. Coach.

How often does it happen? You see something that is clearly out of place or violating a community rule. Next time, stop yourself as soon as you see it. Take a breath and release any annoyance or frustration that has arisen. Now, make a story for it. A story that would justify the wrong or at least offer understandable and…


Sometimes the best way to shift your feelings in the moment is very simply: smile. This week when you find yourself feeling down or irritated, stop, take a few deep breaths and smile. It can be really difficult at first. We can be so absorbed with the emotion at hand, that putting a smile on is like trying to lift…

Shake, shake, shake!

Sometimes, we are overwhelmed by pent up emotions. Usually, we don't realize that we have been submerging them and so it can be a real surprise when they overtake us. This can happen especially during times of high stress and confinement. Like now. A very powerful release exercise is shaking. It's easy and you don't need any props. Any time…

This week’s mindful kindness practice

Try to remove adjectives from your speech when talking to others about their behavior and/or characteristics. Removing, even reducing, flowery speech will help keep the tone of the conversation civil. Adjectives tend to create characterizations that are often derisive, offensive and divisive. When you catch yourself using adjectives, stop and take a moment to consider what value the adjective added.…